Students and faculty from Zhejiang University visit CKPC

Release date:2024/07/22
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A group of 36 students and faculty members from the Morningside Cultural China Scholars Program of Zhejiang University (ZJU) visited Chao Kuang Piu College (CKPC) of the University of Macau (UM) on 18 February. They held in-depth discussions with Yonghua Song, rector of UM; Lau Yun Tung, college master of CKPC; and student leaders of CKPC.


The exchange activities began with a welcome speech by CKPC student leaders, where they introduced the educational activities and cultural characteristics of the college to ZJU students and faculty. They also expressed their interest in and expectations for ZJU’s Morningside Cultural China Scholars Program. ZJU students actively asked questions to learn more about the educational features of UM’s residential college system and explore how to become professionals who can contribute to society. In addition, Rector Song shared his experience as vice president of ZJU for five years and founding dean of ZJU’s Haining International Campus, and expressed his deep affection for ZJU. He pointed out that UM shares similarities with ZJU regarding its emphasis on diversified education. He also encouraged the students to seize the opportunities of the new era and pay attention to various social issues, so as to make outstanding contributions in the future.
