CKYC holds ‘Portuguese Table’ activity

Release date:2022/10/17
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Choi Kai Yau College (CKYC) organized an activity named ‘Portuguese Table’, which aimed to create a Portuguese-speaking opportunity for college students. The guests of this activity were two non-residential fellows, namely Prof Zhang Jing and Dr. Raquel Abi-Sâmara from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Other participants were students majoring in Portuguese and those interested in the language.


All participants got together at the CKYC Junior Common Room to talk freely in Portuguese over refreshments. Many topics were widely covered – the Portuguese language pronunciation, the future perspectives of the language, different customs, and exciting stories from various countries. Meanwhile, some students performed songs and participants discussed a video about the culture in Portuguese. Students found this learning setting suitable for a better understanding of the Portuguese language and culture.
