Visit to Bank of China (BOC) Macau Branch by college students and scholarship recipients

Release date:2019/01/17
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To show gratitude to the donors of scholarships and academic prizes for their support to the University of Macau (UM), deepen the understanding between scholarship recipients and donors, and strengthen the relationships with donors and community partners, the Alumni and Development Office (ADO) of UM organised a visit by over 50 students and teachers from the Shiu Pong College, the Chao Kuang Piu College, and the Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College to the donor – BOC Macau Branch on 28 November 2018.


Representatives of BOC Macau Branch warmly welcomed the students, and answered their questions. Also, scholarship recipients presented thank-you cards and graduation bears as a gesture of appreciation for the generosity of the corporation. This activity deepened the students’ understanding of the corporate culture and operation of the bank. Its generous donations, sponsorships and support to UM events over the years are much appreciated.
