The Residential Colleges (RCs)

Release date:2018/08/13
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The Residential Colleges (RCs)


Currently, 10 donors have made generous donations through UMDF to support the development of the RCs. In recognition of their generosity, 10 residential colleges on the new campus were named according to the donors’ wishes. Each residential college has its own characteristics, and diverse activities are organized by students and staffers to enrich the lives in the RCs.


Complementing the formal curricula and classroom activities, the RC experience provides students a unique learning opportunity. The experiential learning offered by the RCs has been formalized into the curriculum. A competency index has been devised and an evaluation system instituted to ensure that students meet the requirements of community and peer education before they graduate. The “4-in-1” model for undergraduate education has four components (discipline-specific education, general education, research and internship education, as well as community and peer education) with the objective of nurturing self-reflective, caring and socially responsible individuals who can grow up in a challenging and multicultural environment. The university has not only laid this down as the overall requirements for its students, but also positioned the RC as an important vehicle for carrying out community and peer education. Through systematic planning of all courses, programs and activities, the RC system has the core educational objective of helping students meet the requirements in the five Areas of Competencies --- Healthy Living, Interpersonal Relationship and Teamwork, Leadership and Service, Cultural Engagement, and Citizenship with Global Perspectives.


The websites of RCs:








