Cheong Kun Lun College (CKLC) - The Cultural Exchange Prgograms with Zhide College of Fudan University and Meng Xian ChengXiancheng College of East China Normal University

Release date:2018/08/15
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To raise students’ patriotic feeling and national identity and to promote the exchange between students from Macao and mainland China, CKLC has formed an alliance with Zhide College of Fudan University and Meng Xiancheng College of East China Normal University to organize a series of exchange visits in 2017/2018. The visits allowed students to experience the rapid national development and cultivated in them leadership skills, as well as deepened the students’ understanding of the nation’s culture and historical changes. The programs did not only encourage the exchange between three top-notch universities in the Greater China region, but also built a closer interpersonal relationship through cultural exchange.

